Patrick Chapman is a poet, novelist and scriptwriter. His ninth poetry collection, The Following Year, will appear from Salmon in 2023.
Splonk has nominated the following flash stories, from Issue 2, Jan. 2020 and Issue 3, June 2020, for the Best of the Net anthology: Matt…
Amanda Quinn lives in the North East of England where she works as a freelance writer and tutor. Her writing has been published by Shooter…
Tá sí ina luí san áit ar thit sí. Bruach fuar an locha, uisce ar chomhdhath leis an sclát-spéir thairsti. Tchíonn sí scáileanna – scamaill…
A Dhónaill, ná bíodh scaoll ort. Cad é? Cé sin? Suaimhnigh tú féin a Dhónaill, fan socair bomaite agus míneoidh mé cé mé. Cá’l tú?…
Bhí céad dealramh na gréine ag lonrú síos ar fionnadh órga an ghiorria, ‘s é ag léimt go oscartha trín báinseach bhreá fhéir i reilg…
Ba dhóigh le Labhrás gur ar foluain i nga solais a bhí sé. Ansin theagmhaigh a chosa le dromchla crua. Thit sé ar a cheithre…
They lived on the other side of town. The house had an attic and geometric tiles in the hall. He’d be in the front room,…
The other side of the mountain, everything had changed. A digger had ploughed a road through the choked rubble. Fridge-freezers, cars, whole trees, the entire…
Peeking from the duvet bunker, small eyes bear witness – the domestic fight has come again. Because there’s only ever really one. Engagements punctuated by…