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Bios – Splonk 5

Abi Hennig lives in Brighton, by the sea. In between teaching and writing mini stories, she spends her time losing gracefully at complicated board games and running slowly up hills. She has recently had words in various places including Ellipsis Zine, Molotov Cocktail and Reflex Fiction. She tweets @abihennig.

Ali McGrane lives and writes between the sea and the moor. Her work has appeared in Fictive Dream, The Lost Balloon, Ellipsis Zine, Cabinet of Heed, FlashBack Fiction, the Bath Flash Fiction Award shortlist 2019, and nominated for Best of the Net and Best Microfictions 2019. Find her @Ali_McGrane_UK

Alva Holland is an Irish writer from Dublin. First published by Ireland’s Own Winning Writers Annual 2015. Three times a winner of Ad Hoc Fiction’s flash competition, her stories feature in The People’s Friend, Ellipsis Zine, Train Lit Mag, Brilliant Flash Fiction, The Cabinet of Heed and Jellyfish Review. Twitter: @Alva1206

Claire Loader is a New Zealand born writer now living in County Galway. Her flash fiction has recently appeared in Harbinger Press, Crannóg & Tales From The Forest. @msloader

David Henson and his wife have lived in Brussels and Hong Kong and now reside in Peoria, Illinois. His work has appeared in various journals including Pithead Chapel, Moonpark Review, Gravel and Spelk. His website is His Twitter handle is @annalou8