The Necklace – Katherine Duffy Old tv shows winking up from the mud of backwater channels are like those beads of your mother’s that you…
Soft Things, Hard Things – Damyanti Biswas Breaking up with a guy is like holding an animal’s throat, snapping its neck. You get better at…
Ornithologia Corvidae – Sarah McPherson A Murder of Crows The day I met him, the ornithologist told me corvids were the most intelligent birds. He…
Interstitial – Matt Neil Hill Between us and you there is dirt. We crawl and burrow, pushing towards the light, worm casts and rainbow-hued beetles…
Half-life – Jamie D Stacey It hangs over us, sprays the room all white all nothing. The lightbulb flickers; sometimes light, sometimes not. Light. There’s…
Breech – Christopher M Drew The end came quick, with a trip and a fall and a crack of the skull, and with his final…
At the Covid 19 Screening Test – Joanne McCarthy I get a plastic bag, my Personal Protective Equipment, two masks, two tissues, one booklet and…
15 Things You Find When You Clean Out Your Dad’s Apartment – Holly Smith A box of Lincoln Logs that he played with as a…
Stalactites and Stalagmites – David Cook ‘Stalactites cling tight to the ceiling,’ the guide says in hushed tones as you reach for my hand, ‘while…
Zombie Cat – Frances Gapper Elsa had stopped eating. Her thin flank rose and fell. The vet said she was on her way out. Despite…