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Tag: bio notes

Jim Ward

Jim Ward writes and is published in English and Irish. His award-winning play Just Guff has toured locally including Town Hall Studio, Galway, Kilkee Playwright…

Niall Ó Siadhail

Niall Ó Siadhail is a London-based writer and musician originally from County Tyrone. He is also an Irish language activist and teacher, and producer/editor of…

James Tierney

James Tierney is a working-class writer. His work has been featured by Poetry Society, Brave Voices, and others. You can find him on Twitter @jamesmptierney.

Frances Gapper

Frances Gapper’s stories have been published in three Best Microfiction anthologies and online in places including Splonk, Forge, Gooseberry Pie, Wigleaf, trampset, 100 Word Story,…

Anuja Ghimire

Nepal-born Anuja Ghimire (Twitter @GhimireAnuja) lives near Dallas with her husband and two daughters. She’s the author of chapbook Kathmandu (Unsolicited Press), a Best of…

Alexis Wolfe

Alexis Wolfe is a writer living in Berkshire, UK. Publications include Mamalode, The London Reader, The Wild Word, Spelk Fiction and New Flash Fiction Review.…

Damhnait Monaghan

Damhnait Monaghan’s flash is widely published. Her novella in flash, The Neverlands, won Best Novella in the 2020 Saboteur Awards. Her debut novel, New Girl…