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Category: Issue 11

Lydia Davis

Lydia Davis is the author of eight collections of stories, one novel—The End of the Story (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1995)–and two books of non-fiction, Essays One (FSG, 2019)…

Hannah NĂ­ Chonghaile

ScrĂ­obhann Hannah NĂ­ Chonghaile splancfhicsean agus gearrscĂ©alta, chomh maith le colĂșn don iris NĂłs. Is as Iarthar ChorcaĂ­ di Ăł dhĂșchas ach tĂĄ sĂ­ ag…

Sherry Morris

Originally from Missouri, Sherry Morris (@Uksherka, writes prize-winning fiction from a farm in the Scottish Highlands where she pets cows, watches clouds & dabbles…

Nan Wigington

Nan Wigington lives in the U.S. near a ridge of the Rocky Mountains. Her flash fiction has appeared in Nunum, The Ekphrastic Review, and New…

James Montgomery

James Montgomery (he/him) is a flash fiction writer based in Staffordshire, UK. He has won the Pokrass Prize and Retreat West’s best micro fiction prize,…

Rae Cowie

Rae Cowie has had pieces published by the Bath Award, Cranked Anvil, Ellipsis Zine, Potluck Zine, Northwords Now, Oxford Flash Prize, Postbox Magazine, Retreat West…