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Lydia Davis

Lydia Davis is the author of eight collections of stories, one novel—The End of the Story (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1995)–and two books of non-fiction, Essays One (FSG, 2019)…

Hannah NĂ­ Chonghaile

ScrĂ­obhann Hannah NĂ­ Chonghaile splancfhicsean agus gearrscĂ©alta, chomh maith le colĂșn don iris NĂłs. Is as Iarthar ChorcaĂ­ di Ăł dhĂșchas ach tĂĄ sĂ­ ag…

Sherry Morris

Originally from Missouri, Sherry Morris (@Uksherka, writes prize-winning fiction from a farm in the Scottish Highlands where she pets cows, watches clouds & dabbles…

Nan Wigington

Nan Wigington lives in the U.S. near a ridge of the Rocky Mountains. Her flash fiction has appeared in Nunum, The Ekphrastic Review, and New…

James Montgomery

James Montgomery (he/him) is a flash fiction writer based in Staffordshire, UK. He has won the Pokrass Prize and Retreat West’s best micro fiction prize,…